Dan Roberts retires after 36 years at UT

Professor Dan Roberts, who arrived at UT in 1987, retired in December of last year. His internationally recognized research program focused on several aspects of plant biology, including the role of calcium signaling, abiotic stress responses, the biology of root nodules, aquaporins and related transporters, and RNA homeostasis.
Past researchers in his lab note that Roberts was a rigorous mentor who taught them many important lessons on how to be a scientist. As his first lab technician John Cobb (now professor at the University of Calgary) noted, “From a science perspective, I would say I really learned the importance of scientific rigor from Dan and I still carry many lessons from him into how I manage my own lab here in Calgary. I try to channel a bit of Dan when I tell one of my students how things should be done.”

Roberts was also very active in undergraduate education, in particular taking the lead in designing and implementing core BCMB classes. He is probably remembered by many undergraduates as the instructor of the infamous BCMB 401 (Biochemistry 1) taken by BCMB majors and pre-health students. Roberts made many contributions to our department as a faculty member and department head and in the last few years ran our highly successful, NSF-sponsored research experience for Deaf and hard-of-hearing undergraduates. In retirement he is finishing up several manuscripts from the lab, spending more time with family, and playing the bass guitar.