Students pursuing MS or PhD degrees in BCMB also may be interested in pursuing a graduate minor in other areas. Two programs have been developed that BCMB students sometimes opt to include in their graduate education plan:
Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Computational Science (IGMCS)
The emphasis on computational biology, which is trend setting for a department of biochemistry or cellular and molecular biology at present, has been mentioned. This focus qualifies our department as a participating unit in the IGMCS, which has been launched at UT in recent years. BCMB graduate students are eligible to earn a minor in computational science, which requires 9 (MS level) or 15 (PhD level) additional credit hours of course work beyond BCMB program requirements, with graduate courses required from mathematics, computer science, and additional computationally intensive biology courses.
Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Neuroscience
The Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Neuroscience (IGMN) is a formal academic program at the University of Tennessee established to allow students to earn a minor in Neuroscience simultaneously with a master’s or doctorate in another academic discipline. The program is open to graduate students in all departments that have approved participation in the minor. The program is administered by a committee composed of representatives, including program faculty, from all colleges that have approved the IGMN program.
Intercollegiate Graduate Statistics Program (IGSP)
BCMB graduate students who are interested in more advanced work at the graduate level in statistics may qualify for either a minor or an MS along with their BCMB graduate degree. Mary Sue Younger coordinates the program, which requires specific coursework in statistics to qualify, as well as a statistics faculty member to be added to a student’s MS or PhD committee.