Graduate School of Genome Science & Technology (GST)
The Genome Science and Technology (GST) is a graduate program in the Life Sciences founded on two premises. First, whole-genome sequences and related large-scale datasets have transformed how we perform biological research, a trend that is gathering momentum and is anticipated to frame the way the biology research is accomplished for many years to come. Second, advances in technology, whether at the level of instrumentation, computation, or “wet lab” reagents, have long been a powerful driving force in biology.
Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Neuroscience
The Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Neuroscience (IGMN) is a formal academic program at the University of Tennessee established to allow students to earn a minor in Neuroscience simultaneously with a master’s or doctorate in another academic discipline. The program is open to graduate students in all departments that have approved participation in the minor. The program is administered by a committee composed of representatives, including program faculty, from all colleges that have approved the IGMN program.